Telematics-Online Research & Investigation, in an effort to protect and advance the standards of the investigative and risk management industries, have adopted the following Code of Ethics so that our clients and the general public can be assured that certain guidelines will be followed in all assignments:
- All persons and organizations involved on our behalf in any investigation will adhere to our Privacy Policy, other internal and external guiding protocols and policies and those as set-forth in our investigative service agreement;
- The Privacy Officer for Telematics-Online will conduct due diligence before any investigation is commenced to ensure the identity of the client, and that the investigation is for a lawful purpose;
- No information shall be collected or stored for personal reasons;
- No false or misleading claims or statements shall be made by any staff member regarding our qualifications or abilities, or about the qualifications or abilities of any other investigative body. No unqualified opinions will be provided;
- All staff members shall immediately disclose to the Privacy Officer any conflict of interest regarding an investigation, and the Privacy Officer shall immediately take the required action to ensure that this conflict does not compromise the investigation, the reputation of the client, or the safety of the subject involved in the investigation;
- Telematics-Online Research & Investigation shall disclose to the client, at the start of the investigation the applicable rates and charges, and shall at any time during the investigation provide an up to date accounting of the current costs. If a budget is set-forth, Telematics-Online Research & Investigation will not exceed the amount without prior written consent from the client;
- Written reports and accounting will be provided for all investigations upon request unless alternate arrangements were requested by the client. Reports shall be in a standard format, and shall be factual, objective and unbiased. No opinions or speculations shall be expressed in the reports.
- Any questions or concerns regarding these policies should be directed in writing to the Telematics-Online Research and Investigations Privacy Officer here:
Telematics-Online Research & Investigation Inc.
427-4246 Albert Street | Regina, SK Canada | S4S 3R9
Or through the contact page of our website here.